ANDREA instils confidence

Andrea Middel


After graduating from university, Andrea (1970) completed a traineeship at one of the major banks. She then spent 13 years there, working in a variety of commercial and managerial positions and as a financial planner. She earned her FFP certificate in 2001, followed by a Master’s in Financial Planning from Erasmus University in 2003.


Andrea has been a self-employed professional since 2006. In addition to her work as a financial planner, she also supports the executive boards of pension funds as a process supervisor.


Andrea is married and has three children. She enjoys outdoor sports, music, travel and reading. She also holds a number of volunteer positions, including membership in the Professional Standards Committee and Board of Directors of FPSB Ltd (Financial Planning Standards Board). Some 180,000 financial planners in 27 countries around the world are affiliated with the FPSB.